Tuesday 23 June 2020

Not dead

No post for a week, but that's really only because there's not been a great deal happening - we're in kind of a holding pattern re: the PDC, there's nothing happening in the BDO other than Warren firing shots at Jacklin(s), outside of Modus there's not a great deal being played anywhere. Steve Brown's dipping his toes into the senior game, although quite what they're aiming to do that the WDF wouldn't, I'm not sure. There's little news about the Matchplay - the long overdue news that we can go down the boozer in a couple of weeks is clearly a prerequisite, although I'm thinking it's still a huge longshot that it is played in Blackpool. Maybe if they have huge numbers of fans refunding/postponing their tickets they can think about it, but I'm really not sure how they can think it'll run as scheduled. That's about it really, I've got some huge upgrades to the master computer coming soon which'll be nice when we do finally get back up and running.

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