Friday, 3 January 2020

BDO worlds

I don't think I'll actually place any bets on this. Ignoring the obvious in that there's so many players that I simply have incredibly limited information on, the whole omnishambles that is the event itself is such a massive external factor that I simply don't know how the players will react to it. There's a few tempting lines - Steyer's half tempting at near 2/1 against Vandenbogaerde, Herewini just short of evens against Stainton, Chaney the same against Hazel, Mandigers just odds against versus Unterbuchner, maybe Bennett at 13/8 versus Mitchell. Hammond at 8/13 against Prium is a possibility in the ladies. Having said those, there's nothing that is such incredible value that I want to actually recommend a play.

Still seemingly no word on how they're going to handle Barney not having a tour card with respect to whether Alcinas keeps his card. This is beyond ridiculous now.

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