I'm not going to place any tips until after the World Masters though. That runs the weekend before the worlds starts, and should give some vital newer data on a lot of the international players. Looking at the qualification list, we should get more information on Raymond Smith, Diogo Portela, Dave Cameron, Danny van Trijp (although we do have a fair bit on him already), Ben Robb, Sebastian Bialecki, Leonard Gates and Robert Owen. Obviously not all of them are going to get into the database proper, but seeing a fully tracked event that should be of a decent standard from a fairly early stage is going to be noteworthy and it'd be foolish to jump the gun on anything until we've seen what happens.
Edit - post will include qualification route in the title (OOM rank, Pro Tour rank, then whatever from the international pot), then each player will have their FRH ranking, overall leg record for the season (including last year's worlds), scoring (where available) and rank, and also consistency (winning average minus losing average, the lower the better).
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