Austrian qualifiers are long done, sadly the fantastically named Wilhelm Schwingenschlogl lost his final game, much to the annoyance of darts fans everywhere and the relief of Dan Dawson et al, but that aside, we have lines, do we have bets?
0.5u Brown 4/7 straight off the bat. This is a huge mismatch on current form, Conan's that far behind on scoring this year that the model's barely giving him 10%! Hop on.
0.5u van Duijvenbode evs is almost as strong a play, I'm seeing over 80% chances in this one, there's a bit more variance in Dirk's play but nowhere near enough that it isn't a great shot.
0.25u King 8/13, thought he'd be undervalued, but it's not by quite as much as I thought he would be, only 70/30 but there's enough price here to go with it.
So just the three bets, but the first two seem extremely strong, so less might be more really. Let's go!
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