Thursday 20 September 2018

Grand Prix draw be done

Usual stat bomb. It should mostly do exactly what it says on the tin, same thing I posted up before the Matchplay, as then the quality leg ratio gives you three points for a twelve darter, one for a fifteen, and takes a point away for legs won in more than eighteen, and tells you the points you get per 100 legs.

Some things we can draw - the Bunting/Webster game looks very close, the Hopp/Chisnall game could be one of the most one sided games if Chisnall doesn't miss a trillion doubles, a rematch of de Zwaan/Anderson is on, heck we could get another Anderson/Cullen quarter final. Whitlock/Wilson looks incredibly finely balanced, with the winner to face either Smith or Lewis, which looks to be the tie of the first round.

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