Sunday, 13 December 2020

2021 worlds fantasy game


This is your list of players and their points costs. Scoring/rules are fairly similar to last year, however this year it's just for fun.

The rules:

- You have a budget of 501 points
- From this budget you must select a minimum of 7 players and a maximum of 15 players

The scoring:

- Win a set - 5 points
- Win a leg in a set you lose - 1 point
- 180 - 2 points
- (new for 2021) 171-177 - 1 point
- Checking out 121-160 - 2 points
- Checking out 161-170 - 3 points
- Nine dart finish - 9 points
- Beat a seed as an unseeded player - 5 points

To enter, send me a DM with your picks to @jtuk on Twitter before 1700 UK time on Tuesday, good luck.