Wednesday, 29 December 2021

First two last sixteen matches

Going to be a brief one this, tournament has become a farce and I'm rapidly losing interest in it. There's the two games in the top quarter tonight between Price and van Duijvenbode and then Clayton and Smith. Pretty hard to pick Dirk here, I think the price is a little long at 10/3, but it should only be 11/4 so I can't see value. Clayton's just better than a 60/40 favourite in the market, that again looks perfect, can't see any value in either player. Kind of what I was expecting when this entire quarter offered no value in the previous round, if all the players are valued correctly then it should carry through to the next round as well.

Bets went about as badly as they could have - Anderson/White is pending but the best value one got scratched, Lennon didn't get close at all, Hempel had a shocker as well but fair play to Smith (who's Mervyn King away from actually winning a tour card, what a story that would be), then Noppert and Heta did OK but just ran out of steam from decent positions. Completely different story if Noppert could hit bull (had darts at it in two separate sets he lost), Heta just fell apart after Wright hit that 161.

One thing that needs to be said, and Ben Hudd sums it up well - if the fans are allowed in with proof of vaccination or a negative test, why not the players? One would assume MvG and VvdV have had the jabs in order to enter the country in the first place, no idea about Chisnall (and it's none of anyone's business). I really, really hope the PDC aren't doing absurd amounts of testing of players that are not ill by choice, if they are then their premier tournament being a joke is their own fault.

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