Sunday, 30 April 2023

Quick quarter final thoughts

Small gain today, might have been better but for Schindler missing doubles (one in two earlier legs, multiple in the last leg) which on another day makes it 4-4 or better, we move on:

Barry/van Gerwen - One sided as you might imagine, I've got Keane as having exactly a one in four shot, first couple of lines I see say 3/1 and 11/4, next.

Wright/Chisnall - Appears very close. Would give Chizzy the edge, but only at a 10/11 par price. First two lines I see can't split the two so no value here.

Bunting/Heta - Yeah, Stephen keeps moving on, and he's got decent chances to do so again here. I'm seeing 43%, books maybe underestimating Heta slightly (I see 5/6 and 4/5 the first two places I look) but not enough to risk a punt, I'd need evens really.

Noppert/Humphries - Not seeing lines for this one yet, but this one appears moderately tight. I'm seeing 56/44 in favour of Luke, maybe just nudge it to 55/45 given the event is in the Netherlands. I'd need evens to start thinking about Luke, and 6/4 to start thinking about Danny, and it seems very unlikely that we see either, more likely we see something like an 8/11 vs evens line in favour of Humphries.

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